How does CRYOGENX4 work?

CRYOGENX4 is a revolutionary performance enhancing solution for HVAC-R systems that delivers significant permanent efficiency improvements and prevents mechanical degradation. Unlike traditional electronic devices, motor drives, controllers etc. it requires no modifications, alterations, no down time, calibration, service, or maintenance, making it a long-lasting, hassle-free choice for enhancing HVAC-R energy efficiency and extending equipment life. Its unique chemistry-based approach sets it apart as a superior option in the industry. It is the best and most effective HVAC-R performance technology in the market today. CRYOGENX4 improves the overall efficiency by accelerating heat transfer of the evaporator and condenser, reducing laminar friction of the refrigerant, accelerating heat absorption from the refrigerant, improving lubricity, reducing friction and heat caused by the friction, reaching set temperatures faster and ultimately reducing run-time and save energy.

Inventor of CRYOGEN X4

Tony Sgarbi

“From research and design to development and implementation — we leverage sound business strategy to ensure the best performance.”

Mr. Sgarbi has diligently worked and perfected his technology. While others try to copy his inventions and learn from his success, he has been able to maintain and develop the best product in the market today.

How the technology works

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hvac heating and cooling near me

Insulating stagnant oil quickly collects on the internal surfaces of the coils


In just a few years, heat transfer ability is diminished & refrigerant flow is slowed causing issues and robbing performance while increasing system operating costs


Oil is removed following CRYOGENX4 treatment and returned to the sump


Coil surfaces are activated to create a more thermo-conductive metal that exchanges heat faster while lasting for the remaining life of the system.

Many Ways CRYOGENX4 Works To Improve Performance


Transfer of heat from refrigerant to outside air is improved

Moisture removed from internal spaces faster


  • Extended compressor life through reduced friction and wear & tear
  • Lower operating temps produces colder refrigerant
  • Improved overall performance, less energy consumption
  • Quieter operation
  • Less oil blow-by and more retrieved migrated oil
  • Fewer unscheduled maintenance calls


Improved laminar flow of refrigerant inside the heat exchange coils

More direct contact of refrigerant with tube walls

Stabilized metal surfaces improves heat transfer and provides colder, drier supply air

Better functioning of the expansion valve


  • Extended compressor life through reduced friction and wear & tear
  • Lower operating temps produces colder refrigerant
  • Improved overall performance, less energy consumption
  • Quieter operation
  • Less oil blow-by and more retrieved migrated oil
  • Fewer unscheduled maintenance calls

Cryogen X4

What is CRYOGENX4?

CRYOGENX4 is an advanced, multi-patented state-of-the-art molecular nanotechnology in liquid form designed and manufactured to boost efficiency and improve overall cooling performance of any HVAC system. It is compatible with all prevalent refrigerants in use today, including ammonia refrigerants1.

CRYOGENX4 has been proven to dramatically increase cooling efficiency across thousands of units for many Fortune 500 companies around the world with numerous laboratory tests and performance endorsements1. It addresses the main factors of cooling performance drop-offs such as thermal degradation from oil film buildup, lubrication issues, increased friction and wear and tear as well as increased run time1.

CRYOGENX4 reduces energy usage at the unit by 10-30% and overall energy usage by 5-15% The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that the 18,300 kWh savings generated over a 10-year period by each single unit of CryogenX4 will avoid 12.9 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions 2.

CRYOGENX4 is installed while the system is running and requires no modifications or alterations to the system. It is easy to install and has been tested and installed by some of the largest companies in the world, including iconic brands like McDonalds, Costco, Starbucks, T-Mobile, and many others1.

In summary, CRYOGENX4 is a sustainable, green, and environmentally safe solution that can help you achieve your HVAC energy performance goals. It offers a fast ROI and ease of installation while providing significant energy savings

CryogenX4 Checks All The Boxes of Any Energy Saving Project

  • Outstanding ROl of 35% or more with long-term ROl of 500% or more, CRYOGENX4 works in any size & type of HVAC/R/HP system or chiller.
  • Installed once in liquid form and lasting for the life of the system, CRYOGENX4 reduces operational costs while spreading out capital expense procurements to provide your company and its clients more flexibility.
  • Easiest way for your company to achieve its green energy saving and sustainability goals.
  • Reduces your company’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions in an earth-friendly, cost-effective and safe manner

Cryogen X4


Our family of products have been proven safe and effective in reducing HVAC-related energy cost over 20+ years in service, 150,000+ installations, and by multiple national laboratories when implemented according to the company’s instructions.  We are not responsible for resulting actions when deviating from the aforementioned instructions.